Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I Could Never Live Without You

You were the reason I was born,

And for everything I needed you.

So attached to you I was dear,

I could never live without you

You sacrificed everything for me.

I grew up and forgot what I owe you.

And one day, I told you proudly

‘Hey mum, I’ll be fine without you.’

You were born when I was just five.

I found my darling angel in you.

We fought and shared and again,

I could never live without you.

We still live in the same house,

But we have different views.

We know we’ll separate one day,

And bro, I’ll survive without you.

I met you when I was still growing,

I laughed, cried and matured with you.

You knew me more than myself and yes,

I could never live without you.

I still don’t know why you left…

Wondering what happened to me and you.

Our lives have changed like we never dreamt.

Now friend, I stand all alone without you.

You came in life to teach me love,

I dreamt and dreamt only of you.

All the time we kept telling each other,

I could never live without you.

So busy I got in building my future,

I never stopped to think about you.

One day you had to leave and now,

I still have to learn to live without you

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